Identifying and Addressing Barriers to Physical Activity in the Black Community Webinar, VideoDiane LindquistSeptember 22, 2020
Want to be an ally? Expert shares how to begin fighting for equity, social justice Video, PressDiane LindquistJuly 12, 2020
How do we respond to anti-Black racism in urbanist practices and conversations? Video, WebinarDiane LindquistJune 10, 2020
When Everything Breaks: Conversations on Challenge, Opportunity and Equity in Uncertain Times VideoDiane LindquistMay 22, 2020
Why LA’s Public Design Matters: An interview with Christopher Hawthorne, the city’s first chief design officer PressDiane LindquistMarch 17, 2018
Queer, Black, Cyclist, Activist: The Inspiring Journey of Tamika Butler Press, VideoDiane LindquistJuly 27, 2017
Rethinking White Spaces: Moving from Diversity to Inclusion Video, KeynoteDiane LindquistMay 15, 2017